Hello world!

We are ThoughtMos. A first of its kind Global Creative Collaborative. A "First of its kind", you may ask. That's so right, because we have been a creative collaboratory since 2011 in various parts of the world. Many have spawned in the marketing universe since then, but we surely set the trend.

We are a bunch of Creative Directors. Film makers. Technologists. Designers. Photographers. Artists. Digital Practitioners. Dreamers. All sitting under one roof with a common belief that an idea can change everything. We are here to serve those who wish to do things differently. We are small as a set-up. But big as an idea.

We aim to remain small. A tightly-knit tribe, if you may, that enjoys working with established brands as well as starry-eyed startups. Our singular endeavour is to solve their business problems using a powerful ammo called 'idea'.

Pop culture fans would identify with this line from Star Trek: To boldly go where no man has gone before! Just replace 'no man' with 'no agency folk' and you pretty much get our journey. After setting up operations in Bangalore, we took a path less trodden. Instead of planting our roots in bigger Indian cities, we crossed the seas to Singapore to service accounts out of South East Asia. And jumped continents to Africa, to help a few brands in Nairobi.

We do not have clients. We have ThoughtCollaborators. And we hope to make a positive impact on their dreams for their brands. When you browse through what we've done for brands and you think you want to talk to us, say hello here.

We do not have employees. We have ThoughtBelievers, instead. These are people who believe in our philosophy and weave magic for the brands they work on. If you like what you see and think you belong here, drop in a message here.

Finally, we like to thank everyone who have been with us on our journey. We do hope it was worth its while.

The last decade have been a fulfilling, roller-coaster ride. Here’s to the next decade and more.

Dubai, UAE

Our Philosophy

The core philosophy at ThoughtMos is centered around DUDE - a cohesive, end-to-end brand evaluation / creation / deployment process.
We work with brand custodians and create experiences through an agile approach to development.

Discover & Research

We use our home-grown analytics tool to help understand what consumers are saying about you online.

Understand & Strategise

Competitive analysis mixed with need gaps help us arrive at the core insight and idea for the project. It’s that pristine moment where we say 'eureka!'

Design & Prototype

The devil is in the details - wireframes, Functional Prototypes, Moodboards, or Mockups. We make sure that our craft helps deliver the experience.

Execute & Implement

This is the final frontier. This is where the idea comes to life and takes shape. Giving the audience a compelling experience. We constantly evaluate before we implement / deploy the project.

We Create Branding Advertising Design Digital Films Anthems

We've done an interesting potpourri of work. We have managed to slice it and dice it for you. So that you don't have to weave through the web before spotting the work that interests you. So browse through Branding, Advertising, Digital, Anthems, Design and Films.
Checkout our work

